Ragged Utopia EP03 – Oligopolies and Universal Basic Income

RB July 5, 2020


Oligopolies and Universal Basic Income



Toby Birch aka Hugo Boulea, author – The Final Crash


Rusty Burridge



“America Calling,” written and performed by Sean Anthony Brennan


Technology, Admin, Australian FM Radio Network Liaison and Licensing:

Chris Doe.


Thanks also to:

Flinders University, Adelaide, SA

Eleanor O’ Donnell

Our Mysterious Benefactor. –  All The 13s

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The Final Crash: Addictive Debt and the Deformation of the World Economy

Armstrong Economics – researching the past to predict the future…

Armstrong Economics offers unique perspective intended to educate the general public and organisations on the underlying trends within the global economic and political environment. Our mission is to research historical cyclical patterns and market behaviour in timing, price and crisis to better understand and identify potential future trends, using an extensive monetary database and advanced proprietary models.


City Wealth Magazine Review on Hugo Boulea’s, “The Final Crash.”

The Final Crash written by Hugo Bouleau, who is Guernsey based, is a quick scissor cut through our material world and what will happen if we carry on endlessly signing up for risky investments and credit like its going out of fashion. Sharp as a razor it provides an easy, amiable read aimed at students or unsophisticated stock marketers. Also ideal for those who should probably know all this stuff (like journalists or intermediaries) but somehow don’t.


Could a Basic Universal Income Fix Covid-19 Economic Devastation?  (Video)


Current track

