Ragged Utopia EP05 – Technological Veganism and the end of Biological Slavery

RB July 26, 2020


Ragged Utopia

Episode Five

Technological Veganism and the end of Biological Slavery


Zoltan Istvan


Rusty Burridge


“America Calling,” written and performed by Sean Anthony Brennan

Technology, Admin, Australian FM Radio Network Liaison and Licensing:

Chris Doe.

Thanks also to:

Flinders University, Adelaide, SA

Sara Bowles

Craig Bowles

Our Mysterious Benefactor. –  WTFAY? We thank you with all due humility. XXX

Amazon Affilate Program

The links below contains affiliate links and if you purchase from Amazon, RadioHydrogen will receive a small commission at no additional expense to you.


Zoltan Istvan’s books

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoltan_Istvan    All about Zoltan on Wiki


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanist_Party   Transhumanist Party USA


https://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Transhumanist_Party_Australia   Transhumanist Party Australia


https://citizenscience.org.au/      Citizen Science in the land of Oz

https://www.themissinglink.com.au/news/biohacking-our-way-into-the-future  Aussie Biohackers

https://www.nanotech-now.com/  Global Nanotechnology Global News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHoTiGb2jlo   A fairly nuanced feature length lecture and conversations on cyborgs, futurists and transhumanists.


Current track

